Monica Ottosson is a graduate of Wild Woman Project Circle Leader Training. She facilitates in Half Moon Bay, California, USA.

Jana Reishus ~ Jane, Missouri and Bella Vista, Arkansas

Hello Loves,

I’m Miss Jana, a wild woman who lives in Jane, Missouri on my family heritage farm. Living by the seasons and moon cycles has always been a part of my life journey even when I lived in the city for many of my 57 years and couldn’t see the sky as much as I do now. The circle of time, the gathering of women, and shared experience and history is paramount in this world we live in. As land caretaker of a historic farm and sacred space I have created an environment of warmth, welcome and home here on the farm where our circles gather.

I am a weaver and visionary. Over many years I’ve been many things but always a connector of people and experiences of our journeys here on this plane and in this world.

Residing in the far southwest of Missouri close to the Arkansas border I live in a little cabin on the hill of our farm where my father lived half a century ago and it took me many years to get here. My great, great, great grandmothers walked this land where I live and their history and mine are wrapped up in stories. As women we all have our story and along my life journey my story has been Mother, Wife, Sister and much more but most importantly a woman who loves life and loves others.

I wear many hats but the biggest are friend, sister and woman. Come sit by my fire, have some tea and let’s see where this journey will take us…. together.

Contact Jana: 

Facebook: Jana Reishus & Little Sugar Farm

Her Website

Instagram @missjana_glamping_queen