Jooles – Wales, UK | Shropshire, UK | Online Circles

Living in the hills of Mid Wales, UK, Jooles is a sound healing practitioner offering sound immersions and sound meditations inspired by nature, the moon, astrology and the earth’s cycles. Moon circles are currently held in Shropshire.

As a Shinrin Yoku Practitioner & mindfulness teacher she offers mindfulness courses, mindfulness in nature, forest bathing and nature connection workshops. She is also a Vibrational Esssences Practitioner having trained at the sacred site of the Chalice Well in Glastonbury.

New Moon and Full Moon circles also take place online with Hannah who also trained with the Wild Woman Project.  Together we have created Wild Moon Rising which is a sacred space for like minded soul-sisters to gather in community together to create a deeper connection with nature and the moon. We have a selection of offerings for you including seasonal gatherings to celebrate the Earth’s Cycles and sacred Moon Circles to celebrate the new and full moons. All our events are light-hearted, cosy, connected, immersive experiences and nourishing for the soul.  Each gathering we create is a sacred space to connect to a group of like-minded, kindred spirits – find your soul sisters here and journey together.