Juliet Malray – West Simsbury, Connecticut & Telecircles

Hi, I’m Juliet!

I’m a transformational coach, a nature lover, a meditation facilitator, a mom, a soul searcher, a dog mom, a wife, a dancer, an amateur chef and so much more! I have been sensitive to energy since I was a child and it allowed me to offer the best care to patients (as a nurse) and clients (as a massage therapist and coach). I know how powerful connecting to our true selves and knowing our worth, is. I believe that when we align our mind, body and spirit, in order to be our authentic self, we thrive in life!

It is my honor and joy to create space for you! As we gather together, among other incredible circle sisters to set intension, you will experience amazing moments that lend to your personal journey forward. In this space we will support each other to connect to our dreams, desires, place of love and strength, allowing for each beautiful soul to follow their own heart path. It is an absolutely delicious experience! I’m truly looking forward to getting to know you better!

to join her Circle, connect with her:

email: juliet@julietmalray.com

website: https://julietmalray.com/

Instagram: @uncontainedwomenscircle