K.C. Conway – Woodward, OK

I guide people to reveal a different perspective so that obscured beauty can be honored and shared with gratitude and love.

Whether it’s turning junk into unique oddities or finding opportunity for growth in the painful lessons of life, I strive to create a space where all forms of beauty are not only accepted but celebrated. I am a mixed media creatrix, a lover of words and melomaniac.

I have spent the last 15 years traveling around the world to some of the most amazing places and have come to the conclusion that humanity needs more humanity. We are all longing for love, acceptance and connection in a world hell bent on keeping us divided. I believe the universal language of the body can be more powerful than words and can bridge the gaps between religions and cultures. It is truly amazing what a smile and a kind gesture can do.

I felt called to be a Wild Woman Project Circle Leader in order to begin to heal the Sister Wound that has plagued our world for centuries. As the women of this world, I feel it is our duty to ourselves and the future sons and daughters of this big wonderous world to put aside our masks of disillusionment and discover our authentic selves. Only then can we begin to speak in the voice of love and acceptance. I call to the broken, the forgotten, the lost, the abandoned, the silenced and the shamed, the tired moms, the busy career women, those who are hanging on by a thread and the seasoned crones; join me and my sisters at The Wild Woman Project in circle and let’s break the patriarchal wheel of separation and segregation.

For questions, comments or connection, I can be reached by email at kc.conway9217@gmail.com and @KC_Conway