Kara Brown – Seattle, WA

It was my own desire to reclaim my wildness that led me to The Wild Woman Project. It is my deep, unyielding desire to be there for other woman, and give them the space that they need to find their own wildness, that led me to leading circles. To my bones, I believe that the more we can do, as women, to get to know ourselves, the more we can heal our pasts, create inner peace and acceptance, and have an effect on those around us, as well as the collective.

In my circles, you can expect that I will be there as a guide, but will be walking along side of you. You can come just as you are, knowing that no one will be there to fix you, because you are not something to be fixed. When you enter the room, you can feel confident that a space has been created that does not encourage comparison, but savors support and each persons inner wisdom. It would please my heart beyond measure to have you in circle, co-creating a journey of ritual, sharing, intention setting, visualization, and all-around love.

I am a mother of two radiant souls, a life long learner, a Holy Fire Reiki II practitioner, a lover of words, and a dancing woman, living in Seattle, WA.

to join her Circle, connect with her via email: karalynn13@gmail.com