Kate Yeomans – Newburyport, MA

With her beloved husband of 22 years, Kate co-founded Merrohawke Nature School in 2007. Located along the Merrimack River on the northeast coast of Massachusetts, Merrohawke is committed to guiding learning in nature that fosters empathy, resilience, grit, and a deep connection to the earth. A writer by nature, a wild woman by heart, and the mother of two amazing teenage sons, Kate hosts The Wild Woman Project circles as an offering to nurture the women in her community. In additional to naturalist studies, Kate is a student of earth medicine, aromatherapy, and celtic mythology. She invites women to return to the well, to gather together in circle, and to awaken the wild spirit that lives within us all.

For details about upcoming circles, please email kate@merrohawke.org