Kirsten Wood – Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Welcome to our sweet place to land that is Seidr Fae (the name graciously given for the container for my work)

You are so appreciated, loved and valuable.

My name is Kirsten Emma Wood, I am a queer & trans nonbinary (they/them are my pronouns) multidisciplinary artist, writer, educator and eternal student with a deep love of sharing valuable insight, naturally I adore an intuitive and integrated approach.
My Norse (Danish specifically) ancestry that revered seidr (rituals for divination and clairvoyance; for seeking out the hidden, both in the secrets of the mind and in physical locations; for healing the sick; for bringing good luck; certain weather; fulfilling needs) allowed my intuitive impulses to form a modern and integrated practice of seidr. This involves herbal work, spell craft and divination tools. I’m also currently in the process of an in depth herbalism practitioner training.
Surrounded my whole life by fae magic, leaving offerings and passionately communing with their realm since the age of 7, encouraged and informed by my Celtic lineage throughout the past two years solidifying the craft has been so nourishing. The realm of the fae is respectfully collaborated now in my guidance and teaching work to hone the grounded and earth adjacent approach (cyclical, preventative and wise).
Studying the expansive Vedic wisdom tradition since the age of 16 with an emphasis on Akasha (Sanskrit word for ether) that acts like the expansive, user friendly internet of a Being, the total enlivening of cosmic consciousness with the divine illumination path of Jyotish (translates to Radiance of the Divine, study of the Self, science of the light, referred to as ‘Vedic Astrology’ in the west), the sanctity of Yoga consisting of meditation, postures, chants, intent and service and Ayurveda – nature based, preventative, lifestyle wisdom.
Currently sharing through the self-created container: Seidr Fae to facilitate circle gatherings, learning spaces and customized 1 on 1 offerings.
Lets connect:
647 620 9205