Kristen Pesature-Olds – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Kristen Pesature-Olds’ journey into the world of yoga and somatic processing began ten years ago at a time of great personal duress. A lifetime of suffering from instances of abuse, depression, and anxiety finally came to a head and a friend suggested trying yoga as a source of relief.

The memory of stepping onto a rented mat in the overcrowded, second story studio of Yoga To The People in New York City’s East Village remains crystal clear to her to this day. The usual current of fear and isolation were present and running at full force, but another feeling was beginning to creep in that she hadn’t felt in a very long time; curiosity, excitement, and anticipation. As the sequence progressed, Kristen took what felt like the first breath of her whole entire life and experienced the intensity of a great shift occur in both her physical and emotional body. At that moment, what had always seemed like a looming, permanent structure moved ever so slightly, as though a small spring of light was created where before was only miles and miles of darkness. As the class ended, Kristen knew she was determined to become a lifelong student of what she had just experienced and has never looked back.

Stepping into the role of Circle Leader with the Wild Woman Project was a natural progression along this path of empowerment and healing. The keys to the mind are often found within the wisdom of the body and Kristen takes great pride in weaving her understanding of the yogic traditions into the spirit of the Circles she leads. Hosted at her home base, Elle Studio + Wellness, Kristen is proud to welcome this strong and courageous community of wild women to gather each month and, together, learn to grow deep roots.

to join her circle, connect with her:

@_kmpo_ (instagram)