Nadine Flowers – Los Angeles, CA

“Life is either a Daring Adventure or Nothing At All” (Helen Keller)

Nadine is a passionate, inspired and embodied Wild Woman. She holds a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, with a focus on eco and adventure therapy and has had the privilege of working with many men and women, from various backgrounds, in a multitude of contexts, for the last 20+ years.

Her life and work continue to unfold as a Wild and Sacred Adventure and she loves to share in the Journey with women who she calls sisters on the Wild Woman path. Nadine does this by creating and facilitating deep, meaningful and ritualized experiences that enhance connection to various aspects of nature, self and other. Each gathering is an intentional movement ~ as we lean into into beauty and mystery ~ and come into contact with authenticity, felt sense, intuition, creativity and play. Nadine loves to lead from the heart, while teaching and empowering women as they travel their Own Path.

Nadine’s offerings include new moon circles, full moon bonfires, free space dance gatherings as well as nature based programs that include day trips, mini retreats and workshops, as well as one on one coaching.

If you are looking for ways to connect with wildness, wilderness, and access radiant wellness ~ check the links below.

All offerings are designed to provide rich opportunities for potent contact with both internal and external aspects of nature, beauty and vitality ~ for the nourishment and healing of a woman’s body, mind, heart and spirit, which in turns nourishes and heals the world.


Instagram: @wild_woman_nadine 
