Natalia Lara – Barranquilla, Colombia & Telecircles

Hi beautiful, wise woman 🧡 I’m Natalia, Human Potential Coach, biohacker, natural mover, yoga teacher, lover of all things ancestral and a lifelong learner. I help people like you to optimize their biology, their psychology and their environment so that you can create spectacular health, abundant wealth and have an epic life. After 10 years living in 4 different continents, I moved back home to Colombia. My land, my roots and my blood were calling and I answered, turning my life upside DOWN, outside IN!

Reconnecting to my divine feminine, my earthly feminine form, my feminine essence, healing my mother + sister wound and rewilding my nature transformed me; and my intention now is to create + nuture a community and a space for other women to do the same. It’s collective medicine, with every interaction with you I heal myself, we heal each other, we heal the world.

I host in-person circles in Spanish, and telecircles in Spanish and English as well as seasonal retreats, mostly in Colombia and Latin America. Join me in the exploration of ancestral healing, traditional rituals and in the co-creation of a magical, wild, wonderful reality.

You can find all the info on my website or connect with me on Instagram, my favorite social media platform for across time+space connection!

to join her circle, connect with her:

