Natalie Borg – Edinburgh, East Lothian, Scotland

Originally from the suburbs of London next to the Thames river, Natalie has a mixed Scottish/Greek background. She now lives permanently on the Scottish coast in East Lothian with her husband and son, enjoying the wind in her hair and sand under her feet.

A qualified bellydance teacher (JWAAD) for many years, she also produced and hosted a monthly dance community show in London providing a safe space for dancers to have fun, socialise, experiment and push the boundaries. She is an avid feminist and her own personal beliefs follow goddess based spirituality and the changing wheel of the year.She loves Wild Woman Project circles as MAGIC HAPPENS when women come together.

She has now combined her two interests and provides ‘Wild Woman Project’ circles around new moon time and bellydance haflas around full moon time in Portobello under the name of ‘Roses Under the Moon.’ Inspired by the memory of her Scottish Nana called Rose and also the beautiful wild roses that grow along the coastline here.

A very ‘down to earth’ type of person, she loves to facilitate and hold space for people to be their most unapologetic, authentic selves and unleash their inner ‘Wild Woman.’

