Ouida Patten – Winston-Salem, NC


My name is Ouida (Weeda) and I have always felt like a bit of an outsider, and struggled because of it. So much of my life has been spent using masculine energy, and I am moving daily towards more of the divine feminine. I am so grateful for the divine guidance that led me to the Wild Woman Project , and that I trusted my inner guidance and answered the call.

The feeling of being in community with women that are also remembering who they are, and are unapologetic about how they show up in the world, brings me so much joy. I am a Reiki practitioner/Intuitive Energy Work Creatrix and a woman constantly evolving. And …I am here in service to women that are seeking community, and would LOVE to meet you in Circle.

ouidapattenreiki@gmail and IG:divine_energy_wayshower