Rea Adams – Denver, CO

Hello, my name is Rea and I have been walking the path of the Witch since I was 14 years old. My mother would take me to women’s circles when I was 17 and it deeply impacted my life journey.

My dearest friend Samantha and I have followed the call to facilitate wild women moon circles together. We have tapped into the manifesting power of new moons for many years now. We felt deeply that it was time for us to create wider circles by bringing this treasured tradition to the community. We aim to provide sacred circles that help women come back to a place of empowerment. We are alive in a time where we have the privilege of experiencing the uprising of the Divine Feminine once more, and with this we feel a responsibility to send out a call to the women who are hearing the whispers of their inner wild nature!

Our intention is to support women during these revolutionary times so that they may walk the path of their most highly evolved selves, while still being grounded and centered to navigate day to day life. Magic is everywhere and we can locate it even in seemingly mundane moments. We look forward to sitting shoulder to shoulder with you in circle, while connecting deeply to the earth and sacred heart medicine.

In Lak’ech Ala K’in dear sisters! (I am the other you.)

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