Sarah Colette Mercier – Houston, Texas

My journey to becoming a wild woman circle leader started when a friend told me about an event she attended in California. She described it as a way to connect with like-minded women and make time to focus on personal goals (both personal and career). After attending my first circle, I knew that I had experienced something special. I began to learn so much about myself and felt a unique connection to the women I met there. When I moved to Houston and found that there was no circle near me, I decided to start one.

I think a great way to describe me is, “a collector of hobbies.” My love for learning and sharing with others had led me to a career in teaching, and I spend time drawing, painting, traveling & exploring, paddle boarding, practicing yoga, knitting, reading, scrapbooking… the list goes on. Basically, if there is something new that I can try, I am usually up for it!

My mantra as a circle leader can be summed-up in this quote from Nikita Gill, “Await no princes to save you through their lips touching yours whilst you are in unwilling slumber. Wake each other up instead.”

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Contact Sarah at and follow her on Instagram @sarahcmercier