Monica Ottosson is a graduate of Wild Woman Project Circle Leader Training. She facilitates in Half Moon Bay, California, USA.

Sarah Parker ~ Whangarei, Northland, New Zealand & TeleCircles

Having always walked barefoot on the ground, Sarah feels deeply connected to Papatuanuku/Mother Gaia and has a strong desire to live life from her heart space. She is trained in a number of modalities, and is now simply known as a Naturopathic Quantum Healer, & facilitator. She lives with her 12 year old daughter (her 19 year old moved out last year) on 3.8 acres with their 2 dogs, 2 cats and 2 pet sheep, surrounded by native bush on the Tutukaka Coast in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Holding space for clients, students & groups is what fills her soul. Sarah has been involved in Sacred Circles for many years, which for her has literally been life changing. As well as holding circles online and in her community in Whangarei, she has also held shared circles regularly while working in an all men’s correctional facility (Ngawha Prison), a humbling privilege.

To her, Sacred Circles are stepping into the reclamation of ancient knowing, they are a coming home.

Contact Sarah: 

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