Star Rosser – North Alabama & Telecircles

Hello Wise Beautiful Souls I’m Star, a kickass, life-loving, tree hugging 57 year old Goddess. I practice cyclical living by following the moon phases and so honoring the new and full moon with a circle is, well, second nature for me. Currently I am delving into astrology and weaving those elements into my circles along with breath, meditation, singing, dancing, crystals, laughter and Oracle cards. I am a mystic, yoga instructor and intuitive healer. Spirituality and the metaphysical are my playgrounds. ✨ So, come play with me and join me for a moon circle if you’re in the area. Also check out my FB and IG accounts, Southernstarwellness or the Wise Woman Project for event dates and other collective wisdom. 🌙


to join her circle, connect with her:  Wise Woman Project FB and IG