Stephanie Kang – Telecircles & Arcadia / Los Angeles, CA

Stephanie is a heart-centered facilitator and guide committed to the work of embodied healing and transformation. She offers circles and one-on-one work, drawing upon 7+ years of devoted learning in the realms of coaching, somatic counseling, trauma resolution, and soulful leadership, as well as her own ever-deepening healing journey. As a sensitive soul finding her way towards empowered self-expression, and a Chinese American (cis)woman healing from ancestral and developmental trauma, she is intimately familiar with the pain of feeling unsafe in this world, and deeply passionate about creating spaces that allow each person to show up exactly as they are and feel how much they belong. She practices embodying the strength of vulnerability and the power of softness, and believes that as we each commit to loving ourselves, we reclaim our inner and collective wisdom and move closer to a safer and more inclusive world for all. Stephanie loves reading, writing, dancing, spending time in the wilderness, admiring the moon and trees and flowers, and connecting deeply with her loved ones and her beloved senior cat, Morris (who is the cutest cat in the world).

If you would like to connect with Stephanie and/or are interested in being in circle with other women on a journey of personal and collective healing, you’re very welcome to email