by Chris Maddox | Apr 14, 2022 | WILD WOMAN
In my home place, my heart place, here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina we are having our first Spring in three years. No matter how the flowers flowered or the bees have bee’d, the last two springs have felt gray. I could see Spring’s...
by Chris Maddox | Mar 30, 2022 | WILD WOMAN
Dear Ones, The very first New Moon of the Season is here! To celebrate & honor it, we have a very special prayer poem from Diane Ackerman, essayist, poet & naturalist, along with a couple of practices to go with. Ackerman explains the original intention...
by Chris Maddox | Jan 29, 2022 | WILD WOMAN
Dear One, We stand at the threshold between one moon cycle and the next. It is a particularly good time to take a little pause to retreat inward, just as the Moon seems to retreat behind the night’s sky. Poetry helps us with such things. Today we have the...
by Chris Maddox | Aug 7, 2021 | WILD WOMAN
Dear One, Here we are, underneath a New Moon, a Dark Moon, in August 2021. What a fascinating & intense time to be alive, in this beautiful broken world. We begin this Moon Cycle, the final in the To Wield Love series, with an offering, from my home to yours. This...
by Chris Maddox | Jul 22, 2021 | WILD WOMAN
There is a long winding country road between my house and my grandmother’s. When I drive it, I roll the windows down and open the sunroof and let the wind wash my worries away. As the blues and greens of the mountains roll by, I marvel at all the little houses, some...