In my home place, my heart place, here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina we are having our first Spring in three years.
No matter how the flowers flowered or the bees have bee’d, the last two springs have felt gray. I could see Spring’s green buds opening day after day, but I could not feel it, could not really experience it.
Something new is happening now.
Now, I know we are all having radically different experiences due to geography and all that comes with it. But on this, the first Full Moon of Spring, in the spirit of sharing around the circle, I just want to let out a heart howl for the beauty and the healing I am witnessing in my local community, that in some way, its radiance may reach you, wherever you are.
People are out in the parks, on the sidewalks, in the restaurants, on the mountain trails, smiling and connecting with old friends and new ones like I haven’t seen in a good long time. And it’s not quite the same as before, when we took it for granted. People are out laughing and talking to strangers in a way that only hungry hearts can do. And it is truly a sight to behold.
I saw one of my favorite bands recently at a show that had been originally scheduled for April 2020, and had been rescheduled 3 times thereafter. That we were even standing there seemed like a miracle, and the fact that we were dancing together surely was one.
One song, in particular, struck me, straight to the soul, because it became a kind of ritual.
We sang the words:
“Everybody is a little bit broken and it’s alright.
It’s alright!
“Everybody is a little bit broken and it’s alright.
It’s alright!
“Everybody is a little bit broken and it’s alright.
It’s alright!”
We sang this declaration, this prayer, this forgiveness-mantra over and over, together.
As we did, I looked around at the faces and movements of those around me. I saw flashes of what they’d been through in the last two years.
“Everybody is a little bit broken and it’s alright. It’s alright!”
I looked at my husband and a good friend, knowing what they had been through in the last couple of years.
“Everybody is a little bit broken and it’s alright. It’s alright!”
I felt my own heart pounding in my chest, shattered and stitched back together more times than I can count.
“Everybody is a little bit broken and it’s alright. It’s alright!”
We sang and danced with gusto.
Because we are.
We really are.
What we have been through has been traumatic, on many levels, and no matter who you are, the statement is as true as it has ever been: Everybody is a little bit broken. And so is this one: It’s alright!
It is. 
I feel so grateful to have one of my Soul-rituals back for as long as I get to have it. With the Moon as my witness, I will never take for granted, standing in a crowd of humans and resonating with the same idea and the same notes – in unison. It’s an ancient human practice. A treasure in the same family of the things we do when we are together in ritual space.
Bless The Wood Brothers for daring to get back out there to help people dance again and heal.
Bless all the broken hearts and broken people everywhere; You are the blessing in and of yourself. 
Bless the Spring, may it do continue to do what it does.
May we allow it.
Your Turn
Is there a song or an experience that has been healing for you recently? Please share about it – in the comments below.
Can’t wait to read ‘em. ♥️

On the Horizon

Circle Leader Training
Join us online, from anywhere, for a 7-Week adventure.
“This was the best experience I’ve ever had with an online training! I felt seen, connected, and present.” ~ Gretchen Fellon, Graduate
Part part skill-building, part wildish personal-development, this course is sure to give you a deeper look into the Wild Woman Archetype, Moon Wisdom, Intuition and Inner Guidance, Circle Facilitation, and community building. With hundreds of graduates in 26 countries around the world, this course has been cultivated over 13 years to be our very best in Feminine Leadership Training.
We begin on May 6th.
Wild Woman Underground Logo for the online Wild Woman Project community

Join an international, intergeneration group of weird and wonderful wild-hearted Women in our online Cave (which lives on an app)!

We meet weekly in Circles, Workshops, Practices to keep our wild spirits lit!

Upcoming Weekly Gatherings:  

Waning Moon Circle with Chris Maddox
New Moon Meditation Adventure with Chris Maddox
Story Circle with Danielle Dulsky
5th Chakra Circle with Sara Goff

Join us for an hour-long New Moon Meditation Adventure on May 7th!

Online, from anywhere.

Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.

Can’t make it live? No worries. All participants will receive a copy of the recording with 24 hours of the session.

Claim Your Seat!

We have Wild Woman Project-trained Circle facilitators is 26 countries, and 44 out of the 50 United States.

Find a Circle Near You. 

Wild Woman Fest '24 sold out in record time. 
We look forward 4 Days & 3 Nights of rituals & ceremony, yoga, circles, experiential workshops, meditation, music & art making, dance, connecting to the natural world, laughter, discovery, divination, wandering, swimming, hiking, bonfires, howling, and dreaming!