• MOON WATCH: 5 Facts You May Not Know About the Moon
  • ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fall Circle Leader Training + Work 1 on 1 with Chris


Dear Soul,

Guess what?

On today, the full moon, earth (along with you, dear one) is positioned right between the sun and the moon. We are in a sun/moon sandwich.

Do you feel it?

(Really, see if you can take a moment to feel your body’s relationship to the sun & the moon.)


I feel the intensity and the deep breathes required to use the intensity for good. And you?


I’m happy to report that 16 women gearing up for to Fall Circle Leader Training. Which starts in 2 weeks.! That leaves 9 seats.

If you are feeling called, I urge to listen. I say that not just because I would love to have you (of course I would).  I say that because I know what it feels like to hear a call and turn away from it. I’ve had that experience many times (less and less these days) and it is quite painful. You are the only one that knows if Circle Leader Training is right for you right now. If the answer is yes, Apply here.

I am wishing you a Full Moonday. May your cup runneth over.

with love and respect,


P.S~If you feel moved by this issue of WILD Woman Weeklyish, please share it with your wild ones.


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 5 Facts You May Not Know About the Moon

In honor of the FULL Moon Today.

  1. Months (the unit of time), were related were invented in Mesopotamia and directly related to the cycle of the moon. (via Wikipedia)
  2. Spring tides happen twice a month on the New Moon and the Full Moon. Spring tides are when high tide is higher and low tide is lower. The swell is caused be the near alignment of the sun, earth & moon, when the sun’s gravitational pull is added to the moon’s gravitational pull on the earth. Spring tides happen no matter the season. (via National Ocean Service)
  3.  The Moon is not actually round. It egg shaped! And the small part of the egg is pointing right at you always.
  4.  The Moon, about a quarter the diameter of the earth, is considered by some scientist to be more like a planet. They call the Earth-Moon system a “double planet.” (via
  5. The Dark Side of the Moon is not just a Pink Floyd song; it’s a real part of the moon. Because of the particular rotation of both the earth and moon, we, earthlings, only ever see one side of the Moon. The other side is a mystery.


Fall Circle Leader Training + Coaching + Requiem for the Moon


Falling Away Urban Retreat in NYCphoto by d. sharon pruitt


“My training to be a Wild Woman Project leader was truly transforming.
“It came to me at a time when I wanted to deepen my relationships with women and deepen my own knowledge of the feminine.
Upon completion, I held my first circle and it was just as Chris had said. ‘The perfect women will come.’  And they did!  And they shared so generously, and took away every aspect of a circle; community, love, sisterhood, mystery, beauty and reverence.
Teaching yoga for 8 years, I didn’t think I had more capacity to hold space for others, but this training, and Chris’ authentic self and kind leadership, lead me to a place where I can not only hold space for others, I can hold it for myself.”
~Danielle Gismondi


Lúan – Lunar Calendar & Moon Phases

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If you want to start to be more connected to the phases of the moon, this is a free app for apple products and I just love it.

Hope you will to:)

Check it out.

(And no, I do not get kick backs for recommending)


At night, I open the window and ask the moon to come and press its face against mine. Breathe into me. Close the language-door and open the love-window. The moon won’t use the door, only the window.




On the Horizon

Circle Leader Training
Join us online, from anywhere, for a 7-Week adventure.
“This was the best experience I’ve ever had with an online training! I felt seen, connected, and present.” ~ Gretchen Fellon, Graduate
Part part skill-building, part wildish personal-development, this course is sure to give you a deeper look into the Wild Woman Archetype, Moon Wisdom, Intuition and Inner Guidance, Circle Facilitation, and community building. With hundreds of graduates in 26 countries around the world, this course has been cultivated over 13 years to be our very best in Feminine Leadership Training.
We begin on May 6th.
Wild Woman Underground Logo for the online Wild Woman Project community

Join an international, intergeneration group of weird and wonderful wild-hearted Women in our online Cave (which lives on an app)!

We meet weekly in Circles, Workshops, Practices to keep our wild spirits lit!

Upcoming Weekly Gatherings:  

Waning Moon Circle with Chris Maddox
New Moon Meditation Adventure with Chris Maddox
Story Circle with Danielle Dulsky
5th Chakra Circle with Sara Goff

Join us for an hour-long New Moon Meditation Adventure on May 7th!

Online, from anywhere.

Using a dynamic meditation journey, we will tune into the New Moon, to your own Inner Guidance, synced up with wild-hearted women from around the world. This offering will include music, storytelling, meditation, journaling prompts & intention-setting.

Can’t make it live? No worries. All participants will receive a copy of the recording with 24 hours of the session.

Claim Your Seat!

We have Wild Woman Project-trained Circle facilitators is 26 countries, and 44 out of the 50 United States.

Find a Circle Near You. 

Wild Woman Fest '24 sold out in record time. 
We look forward 4 Days & 3 Nights of rituals & ceremony, yoga, circles, experiential workshops, meditation, music & art making, dance, connecting to the natural world, laughter, discovery, divination, wandering, swimming, hiking, bonfires, howling, and dreaming!