Current Moon Cycle

July 20th- August 17th 2020

Our Theme is

Rituals of Rewilding: Rise of Love

Key Words:










“… Or maybe the purpose of being

here, wherever we are, is to increase

 the durability and the occasions of

 love among and between peoples. Love, 

as the concentration of tender caring 

and tender excitement, or love as the

reasons for joy. I believe that love

is the single, true prosperity of any

 moment and that whatever and whoever

impedes, diminishes, ridicules, opposes

the development of loving spirit is


~ June Jordan


This New Moon we will consciously cultivate the most powerful force on Earth: Love.

Our General Approach to Moon Cycles

Here at TWWP, we view Moon Cycles as chapters in the unfolding story of our lives. Within each chapter there are 4 major movements: New, Waxing, Full, Waning.

We carry a particular theme, a specific focus, each and every cycle. Our themes are inspired by the astrological placement of the New Moon at hand.

The New Moon is considered the beginning. At this sacred beginning we have the opportunity to retreat & go deeply within. This way we can enter the Moon Cycle with intention, depth & clarity. This is what our Circles are for.

In Wild Woman Weeklyish, our free community offering, we offer resources & guidance to continue the exploration of the theme throughout the cycle.

On the second Moonday (Monday) of the Month, we will have WILD WOMAN SCHOOL with TWWP Founder Chris Maddox where we explore a topic directly related to the theme of the cycle.

About Our Rituals of Rewilding Series:

Aims for the Year Ahead:

↠ Explore these 3 spheres of Wildish Guidance: Inner Guidance, Nature’s Messages, Wisdom from around the Circle.

↠ Deepening our intimacy with the 4 Elements: Fire, Earth, Air & Water.

↠ Strengthening our soul’s voice & the voice of nature through Rituals, small & large, personal & group – all year long.

↠ Remembering the wilderness & supporting it’s unfurling through us.

Explore Other Cycles in Our Rituals of Rewilding Series