Skin DEEP ~ Herbal Recipe by: Cole Lopez

Skin DEEP ~ Herbal Recipe by: Cole Lopez

  This Moon Cycle initiated by the New Moon in Virgo is the perfect time to honor your flesh and embrace your body. This beautiful home is your faithful servant, loyal devotee, and oldest ally. This sacred vessel holds the divine and shelters the soul. Let’s...
Enter the Sensory Portal ~ by: Cole Lopez

Enter the Sensory Portal ~ by: Cole Lopez

  This Moon Cycle, initiated by Taurus, is the time to delight in the Pleasure Moon. Dive deep into the flowers, dig into the soil and relish in the wonderment of the Earthly Realm. Magick is present in every single living thing. You just have to put your...
Prayer to the Waters of the World

Prayer to the Waters of the World

This New Moon in Pisces is the time to steep ourselves in the art and practice of devotion. Devotion, the highest octave of the heart, is the radiance that pours from our chest connecting us to another.  This action of extending outside is an action of extending...