Rise: Spring’s Lesson Plan ~ Chris Maddox

Rise: Spring’s Lesson Plan ~ Chris Maddox

On March 20th we welcome the season of growing light which offers us invitation after invitation to rise. The Spring Equinox lifts the wild creatures, the wild plants, and the wild women out of the darkness and into brighter days. To celebrate the occasion, I made...

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Dream: Winter’s Lesson Plan ~ Chris Maddox

Dream: Winter’s Lesson Plan ~ Chris Maddox

The Winter Solstice is here to cover the land in a blanket of darkness. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the longest night of the year. To celebrate the occasion, I made this talk for you. In it we will discuss: 🕯️ Winter Solstice & Winter’s...

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The Architecture of Initiation ~ Chris Maddox

The Architecture of Initiation ~ Chris Maddox

“Chris. Chris, wake up” my husband’s sweet voice cut through my screaming. When I came to, I sobbed for a while. He held me. It was a dream so powerful it shook reality.  This week, I have begun to experience what I suspected may be coming after living through a...

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Bone-deep Prayers & the Aftermath of Helene

Bone-deep Prayers & the Aftermath of Helene

The last week has been full of those rare prayers reserved for times of absolute desperation. You may know I live and run The Wild Woman Project from Western North Carolina, just outside of Asheville. You may know that Hurricane Helene has devastated my hometown and...

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Today I Light a Candle ~ Chris Maddox

Today I Light a Candle ~ Chris Maddox

Today I light a candle for the biodiversity of thought. Today I honor all those who think differently than I do, who disagree about the meaning of a verse, or what or who god is - and other tiny matters which surely feel enormous when the scope is zoomed way in. Today...

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I see you. ~ Chris Maddox

I see you. ~ Chris Maddox

I see you out there doing your absolute best with what you’ve got.  I see you figuring out how to this thing with some style and joy.  I see you wobbling a little here and there and find it sexy.  I see you out there dancing on the edge like a prayer your great...

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The Wild Feminine Frequency By: Chris Maddox

The Wild Feminine Frequency By: Chris Maddox

Someone I hadn’t seen in a long while asked me recently how I was doing, what was new in my world. To which I rambled, “Well …let’s see. In August, I hosted my first live retreat in three years”, slowing down remembering, “It was so beautiful,” and then a gravity...

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To Be Moved. By: Chris Maddox

To Be Moved. By: Chris Maddox

The whispers of the coming autumn can be heard in the forest here in the Blue Ridge Mountains. When the wind comes through, there is a new sound, born, in part, out of the subtle change in the leaves who have become a tiny shade lighter just as their edges have begun...

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Mother of My Mother: Gregoria Guerrero

Mother of My Mother: Gregoria Guerrero

Gregoria Guerrero, mother of eight, matriarch supreme, mother of my mother, has left this world, and is on to her next, well-earned, adventure.   In all the years I knew her, I never saw her be impatient or heard her say an unkind word.   She was a gentle soul who...

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5 Ways to Stay Steady in Shaky Times

5 Ways to Stay Steady in Shaky Times

When the world seems to be in constant flux, when we are bombarded with one message of crisis after the next, when big changes - welcome & unwelcome - knock at the door, moving through life can feel like walking on shaky ground, or like trying to build a house in...

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New Moon “Mothers” Poem by Nikki Giovanni

New Moon “Mothers” Poem by Nikki Giovanni

Dear One,   Big New Moon howls to you wherever you are! Here, in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Spring is bursting forth with color and life.   Inspired by nature's fertility and the upcoming Mother's Day, we have an incredibly rich poem to delve into entitled Mothers.  ...

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New Moon Prayer Poem by Diane Ackerman

New Moon Prayer Poem by Diane Ackerman

Dear Ones,    The very first New Moon of the Season is here!   To celebrate & honor it, we have a very special prayer poem from Diane Ackerman, essayist, poet & naturalist, along with a couple of practices to go with. Ackerman explains the original intention...

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The Last Days of Fall ~ Chris Maddox

The Last Days of Fall ~ Chris Maddox

Twenty-one days ago I received a soul-jolt, a rattling, a kind of wake-up call from within. Maybe I’ll tell you about it sometime, or maybe not, we’ll see, but I bet you know what I mean. My mind, heart, and body sent out a call I could not ignore. Anyone walking on...

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The Whispers of the Wild ~ Chris Maddox

The Whispers of the Wild ~ Chris Maddox

Inner Wilds   In my early 20’s, I worked the front desk of a yoga studio in an old building just off of Union Square in New York City. One Friday, after the last class of the night had begun in the back room, a rather eccentrically dressed old-New-York woman stepped...

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7th Annual WILD WOMAN FEST Postponed to 2022

7th Annual WILD WOMAN FEST Postponed to 2022

Dear Wild Woman Fest Family,   Since 2014, we have journeyed from our homes to a mountain top each and every Summer, in the spirit of sacred pilgrimage. We have danced together under the Sun & Moon, prayed, howled, wept, cackled, sang, played our way into profound...

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Walking the Fool’s Path by Chris Maddox

Walking the Fool’s Path by Chris Maddox

On a sunshiny day a young person with a bindle in one hand and a rose in the other, heart and head facing up, walks forward. Does he walk off the cliff? Does he do a little dance and turn the other way? We do not know. That is the messy magic of the Fool.   In Tarot,...

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Love Sees: A New Moon Talk with Chris Maddox

Love Sees: A New Moon Talk with Chris Maddox

Dear One,    The Moon is New and our exploration of Love as the most powerful force on Earth continues.  When channelled, the spirit of Love, helps us to cultivate a form of vision that precedes healing. Our love of the world and of one another can guide us to...

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Listening is a Superpower ~ Chris Maddox

Listening is a Superpower ~ Chris Maddox

Dear One,  The Moon is Full and I want to talk to you about the mighty superpower we all have access to: Listening.  If we listen with genuine curiosity, we can begin to understand the person in front of us. When we begin to understand the...

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Walking Each Other Home ~ Chris Maddox

Walking Each Other Home ~ Chris Maddox

Dear One,  The Moon is New again, sitting in retreat behind the sky, nudging us to come home to our hearts.On this, the final New Moon of the Rituals of Rewilding series, I am offering up an in depth exploration of a hand-me-down idea from the great Ram Dass:"We're...

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In Celebration of Black Voices!

In Celebration of Black Voices!

On this Full Moon eclipse, during our Music of the Howls Moon Cycle, in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter uprising, I celebrate the voices of black artists & thinkers who have inspired me (& many, many others). I have also included...

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Dear Ones,    I write to you from planet Earth where M A S S I V E alchemy is afoot. I know you feel it.    Not to mention a Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse; as above, so below.   I write to you from the land currently called the United States of...

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7th Annual WILD WOMAN FEST Postponed

7th Annual WILD WOMAN FEST Postponed

Dear Wild Woman Fest Family, For the past 6 years, Spring time has been full of planning for our annual gathering. Since 2014, we have journeyed from our homes to a mountain top each and every Summer, in the spirit of sacred pilgrimage. We have...

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