Rise: Spring’s Lesson Plan ~ Chris Maddox
On March 20th we welcome the season of growing light which offers us invitation after invitation to rise. The Spring Equinox lifts the wild creatures, the wild plants, and the wild women out of the darkness and into brighter days. To celebrate the occasion, I made...
13 Things I’ve Learned in 13 Years of Building The Wild Woman Project ~ Chris Maddox
On January 1st The Wild Woman Project turned 13 years old. Back in 2011, at 27 years old, with a dream in my heart, I wrote this, the very first mission statement: “The Wild Woman Project is a global movement bringing women together, online and face to face, to create...
Dream: Winter’s Lesson Plan ~ Chris Maddox
The Winter Solstice is here to cover the land in a blanket of darkness. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the longest night of the year. To celebrate the occasion, I made this talk for you. In it we will discuss: 🕯️ Winter Solstice & Winter’s...
A Space to Explore: Circle Leader Spotlight Interview with Kathleen Joan
“Women are so, so deeply wise - and our wisdom emerges in a special way when we have a circle of sisters to "hear" it into being!” Welcome to the 2nd installment of our Circle Leader Spotlight interview series where Circle practitioners, along with budding and...
The Architecture of Initiation ~ Chris Maddox
“Chris. Chris, wake up” my husband’s sweet voice cut through my screaming. When I came to, I sobbed for a while. He held me. It was a dream so powerful it shook reality. This week, I have begun to experience what I suspected may be coming after living through a...
Walking the Wildish Path: Circle Leader Spotlight Interview with Holly McCormick
“Facilitating these circles is one of the greatest privileges of my life.” This Summer at Wild Woman Fest, I had the joy of finally meeting Holly, in the flesh, after being connected online for nine years. Talking to her about her experience facilitating Wild Woman...
Circles and Circles of Support 🕯️~ Chris Maddox
Disasters have a way of whittling life down to what is essential. A storm comes in and you just try to make sure you stay alive, and those around you stay alive. Then neighbors - you make sure there is water for those who need, food for those who need, shelter for...
Bone-deep Prayers & the Aftermath of Helene
The last week has been full of those rare prayers reserved for times of absolute desperation. You may know I live and run The Wild Woman Project from Western North Carolina, just outside of Asheville. You may know that Hurricane Helene has devastated my hometown and...
Surrender: Fall’s Lesson Plan ~ Chris Maddox
The Equinox is here, my wild-hearted friends. And to celebrate the occasion, I lay this talk at your feet. So make yourself a hot beverage, gather your journal & sit with me. We will discuss: 🍂 The importance of slowing down to sense more 🍂 Our beloved Tree...
Today I Light a Candle ~ Chris Maddox
Today I light a candle for the biodiversity of thought. Today I honor all those who think differently than I do, who disagree about the meaning of a verse, or what or who god is - and other tiny matters which surely feel enormous when the scope is zoomed way in. Today...
A Midsummer Moonlit Dream: A Solo Ritual Recipe ~ Chris Maddox
Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour Moonlit Hour (your choice) Who is this for: People of all faiths or no faiths who want to connect deeply to their inner compass & the Moon. Location: A private and safe space outside or near a window where the Moon can be seen. ...
Jumping Ship: Adventures of the Modern Female Seeker ~ Chris Maddox
There’s an idea you may have heard in your spiritual seeking. It’s one I encountered in both my yoga training & in my Sufi studies. It goes something like this: One needs to choose a single spiritual path/tradition, for having more was like standing with one...
Video: Wild Woman Archetype and Summer Solstice with Chris Maddox
Solstice howls to you! Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere will enjoy the longest day of the year, peak light. To celebrate the occasion, I made a video for you. In it we explore: ✨ Wild Woman Archetype & the turn of the seasons ✨ Our cultural obsession...
Unlock the Magic of Summer with this Question ~ Chris Maddox
The Solstice is just over the horizon. Can you sense it? New seasons offer new treasures, new dreams, new surprises and we are about to dive into a new one. How can we make the most of it? How can we savor every bite? How can we receive the lessons of the...
Journaling Prompts for Wild Women ~ Chris Maddox
Daily journaling, even if it is just a sentence or doodle, is one I recommend for women on the wildish path. To have a space, a page of one’s own in this great big world is powerful gift to give yourself. Here are some prompts to inspire your journaling today! Don’t...
21 Truths Women’s Circles Taught Me ~ Chris Maddox
1. No matter what I am going through, there is someone who can relate. We are never as alone in our experience as we think we are. 2. The adventure of life is cyclical. Each cycle has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Then repeats, each time with new flavors and new...
40 Pieces of Advice For My Younger Self ~ Chris Maddox
My original theological text was written by Mary Schmich, and made popular by Baz Luhrmann. The Sunscreen Song, chock full of solid advice, was released when I was in high school and became a philosophical boon in my tumultuous and angsty teenage atheist years. ...
The Wild Woman Archetype & Spring Equinox ~ Chris Maddox
Spring is here offering treasures untold to we, the wild-hearted who find the living world to be the greatest of spiritual teachers, and also, the finest playground in which to experience this magnificent and mysterious life. To celebrate the occasion I made you...
What women need and what they don’t. ~ Chris Maddox
Women do not need advice. Women need spaces and conditions which help them listen to the wisdom in their own hearts. Women do not need six figures and a tight ass. They need enough resources to take good care of their bodies, hearts and the ones they love best. ...
I see you. ~ Chris Maddox
I see you out there doing your absolute best with what you’ve got. I see you figuring out how to this thing with some style and joy. I see you wobbling a little here and there and find it sexy. I see you out there dancing on the edge like a prayer your great...
Two Centering Questions for Wild Women ~ Chris Maddox
Core to the nature of the Wild Woman Archetype is an imperative to create, a hunger to engage in the adventure of the creative process, with all its magic and mess, and challenges, with its bursts of courage and streams of inspiration. The wild feminine nature inside...
Wild Woman Prays Under Wolf Moon ~ Chris Maddox
The Wild Woman is an ancient, archetypal force, bound to the Earth which bore us all, yet of the realms beyond. She dwells here and also there, part wolf, part woman, a shape-shifter, an advocate for freedom and love, a force of nature running through the wilds,...
Wild Remembrance: A Year-End Solo Ritual Recipe ~ Chris Maddox
Time: 1 hour minimum Who is this for: Wildish Women of all faiths or no faiths who want to intentionally honor the year gone by and befriend the year to come. Location: A private space of any size or shape where distractions are as limited as possible. Dress:...
The Wild Woman Archetype & the Winter Solstice ~ Chris Maddox
The Winter Solstice is here! Depending on your timezone, it arrives today, December 21st, or tomorrow, December 22nd. Because for us Wild Ones, the natural world is our primary spiritual teacher, the Solstice a pretty big deal. So, I offer something extra special...
Deep Listening: A Solo Ritual Recipe ~ Chris Maddox
Time: 1 hour during Moonlit Hours Who is this for: People of all faiths or no faiths who want to connect deeply to the living world. Location: A private space of any size or shape where distractions are as limited as possible. Dress: Dress in a way that feels cozy....
Saunter Through the Woods: A Lesson from John Muir
I’ve been thinking of Winter. It will arrive soon enough and this year I’d like to embrace it, to turn my body, heart, and mind toward its sensations and lessons more even more. For us wild women, there are always further depths to explore when it comes to nature’s...
Everything You Need is Right Here. ~ Chris Maddox
At this point in my life, I feel certain about so little. Much of what I once firmly believed as a child, in adolescence, and as a young woman, has not survived the winds of time and experience. Even now, I can only be certainish of a small garden of ideas. I tend to...
The Wild Woman Archetype and the Autumn Equinox with Chris Maddox
The Autumn Equinox is upon us! Depending on your timezone, it arrives today, September 22nd, or tomorrow, September 23rd. Because for us Wild Ones, the natural world is our primary spiritual teacher, the Equinox a pretty big deal. So, I offer something extra special...
Forever and Right Now: a poem and a prayer ~ Chris Maddox
In a land far far away and right here the women were free to sit quietly listening to cricket songs and to dance and stomp and howl In a land far far away and right here they were held and also holding broken and also whole One and All In a land far far away and...
Season of Wonder: From the Other Side, Experiment #4 ~ Chris Maddox
About the “From the Other Side” Series with The Wild Woman Project Founder, Chris Maddox In the modern world, brimming with companies, people, and special interests waving their hands and shouting, “Look over here! Buy this, do this, think this!,” our attention has...
Walking the Roads Back Home: Burn Out and Back ~ Chris Maddox
Nearly half way through the current Moon Cycle, on May 1st, I slipped my hiking boots on, tied up the tattered rainbow laces, and stood up. My heart, feet, and spirit sang a three part harmony. The ritual had officially begun. Trail ahead, all to-dos behind, that...
The Mystery & Medicine of Hope ~ Chris Maddox
I’ve been thinking a lot about hope. What exactly is it? I’ve been thinking a lot about hope because I feel it fully reemerging in me, after being mostly absent for the better part of three years. Like a little inner flame inside, I want to nurture this emerging hope,...
Courage to Rise: The Gift of Spring Equinox ~ Chris Maddox
The very last days of Winter are here. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring officially begins on Monday. The Vernal Equinox is the halfway point between the Winter Solstice (the darkest day of the year) and the Summer Solstice (the brightest day of the...
Intuition + Discernment: A Spiraling Personal Tale ~ Chris Maddox
For today’s offering of kindling for your Soul fire, a personal tale about Intuition which takes a spiral path in the time between the last New Moon & Now… SEEKING INTUITION Ever since our last New Moon Meditation Adventure, where we explored centering in...
Exploring the Wild Woman Archetype & the Architecture of Circles: A Conversation ~ Chris Maddox
How would your life be different, inside and out, if you allowed your deepest, most instinctual nature to guide you? Who would you be if you reconnected to the force which Dr. Estés calls la que sabe (the one who knows), la loba (the wolf woman), the woman who...
Celebrating Amanda P. & Blessing the Path Ahead ~ Chris Maddox
Amanda P. was one of the VERY first women to sign up for Circle Leader Training when I launched The Wild Woman Project in 11+ years ago. We'd met the previous year through a Lucid Body workshop in Los Angeles, where I was Fay Simpson’s assistant and apprentice...
Centering in the Soul: New Year’s Resolutions & An Antidote for Cynicism ~ Chris Maddox
For as long as I can remember, I have loved the feel of January. The stress of the holidays behind us, and the sense of wide open vistas of opportunity and potentiality ahead. For a precious few weeks, the spark of aspiration is alive and felt on a collective level. ...
Play is Sacred ~ Chris Maddox
As a kid, I’d hop on my bike, wind on my face, looking for an adventure. All I had to remember was to be back before the street lamps came on. Afternoons, summers, and weekends were full of adventures in climbing trees, building forts from found materials,...
Wild Women Walk in the Dark ~Chris Maddox
When we follow the tracks of the Wild Woman Archetype, who is viscerally connected to the cycles of the Sun and Moon and intrinsically connected to the living world, we are over and over again faced with the presence of darkness. Eventually the Full Moon fades to...
Reflections on 2022: A Candlelit Contemplation ~ Chris Maddox
The days are long, but the years are short. I overheard one seasoned parent say this to a new mother just recently, regarding the process of parenting. The phrase was instantly lodged in my mind. It’s a Gretchen Rubin line. And it is one that applies just as well to...
Slow Down & Savor: A Simple Practice for the Holiday Season ~ Chris Maddox
The holiday season of 2022 is dawning. What will we make of it? When I officiate weddings, I make sure to begin with a reminder to savor the precious minutes of the ceremony. After all, the wedding ceremony is one that is often the culmination of years and years of...
For the Love of the Pack: 7 Ways Be a Great Community Member By: Chris Maddox
“Healthy wolves and healthy women share certain psychic characteristics: keen sensing, playful spirit, and a heightened capacity for devotion. Wolves and women are relational by nature, inquiring, possessed of great endurance and strength. They are deeply intuitive,...
The Moon is a Midwife of Knowing By: Chris Maddox
Gnosis, or Knowing, is a wisdom - felt, a realization of something deep and true which comes not from our logical reasoning capacities, but rather through a wave of experience - felt. We may get chills, or feel our eyes well with tears, or feel an aliveness in our...
The Wild Feminine Frequency By: Chris Maddox
Someone I hadn’t seen in a long while asked me recently how I was doing, what was new in my world. To which I rambled, “Well …let’s see. In August, I hosted my first live retreat in three years”, slowing down remembering, “It was so beautiful,” and then a gravity...
To Be Moved. By: Chris Maddox
The whispers of the coming autumn can be heard in the forest here in the Blue Ridge Mountains. When the wind comes through, there is a new sound, born, in part, out of the subtle change in the leaves who have become a tiny shade lighter just as their edges have begun...
In order to move forward, you must look back. By: Chris Maddox
This time, eleven years ago, I was making bold choices and radical changes in my life in order to make way for the birth of The Wild Woman Project into the world. I was a young woman, only 27, who had received a crystal clear assignment from her own Inner Guidance....
Walking the Path of Poets: 13 Moons, 13 Morsels of Meaning ~ Chris Maddox
Back in September 2021, we began a year-long journey with poetry. In circle and out, we turned our attention toward the varying perspectives of poets, who in their own way, embody the Wild Woman Archetype. This New Moon in August 2022 is our 13th and final of this...
the world offers itself to your imagination: A New Moon Mary Oliver Poem & Talk ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, The Moon is new again. A new cycle is beginning. And we have a beloved poem to share in, which is sure to stir your wildish heart. I want to let you know: after ten and a half years of making these New Moon Videos for you, this one is my last. Do not...
What has come to light?: A Full Moon Inquiry ~Chris Maddox
At the beginning of the pandemic, there was much ado, in spiritual circles, about the opportunity of the time: that in this massive disruption to life as we knew it, perhaps we humans would get new perspective & insight which may help us to heal our world. Have...
The Risk it Took to Blossom: New Moon Poem & Journaling Inquiry by Anaïs Nin
Dear One, The first New Moon of Summer is here. To honor it, we have a poem from the brilliant and oceanic mind of Anaïs Nin. It's about risk, and growth, and pain, and calls upon the metaphor of flowers. As we adventure through this poem together, we will let this...
Mother of My Mother: Gregoria Guerrero
Gregoria Guerrero, mother of eight, matriarch supreme, mother of my mother, has left this world, and is on to her next, well-earned, adventure. In all the years I knew her, I never saw her be impatient or heard her say an unkind word. She was a gentle soul who...
5 Ways to Stay Steady in Shaky Times
When the world seems to be in constant flux, when we are bombarded with one message of crisis after the next, when big changes - welcome & unwelcome - knock at the door, moving through life can feel like walking on shaky ground, or like trying to build a house in...
New Moon “Mothers” Poem by Nikki Giovanni
Dear One, Big New Moon howls to you wherever you are! Here, in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Spring is bursting forth with color and life. Inspired by nature's fertility and the upcoming Mother's Day, we have an incredibly rich poem to delve into entitled Mothers. ...
Everybody is a Little Bit Broken (and it’s alright) by: Chris Maddox
In my home place, my heart place, here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina we are having our first Spring in three years. No matter how the flowers flowered or the bees have bee'd, the last two springs have felt gray. I could see Spring’s...
New Moon Prayer Poem by Diane Ackerman
Dear Ones, The very first New Moon of the Season is here! To celebrate & honor it, we have a very special prayer poem from Diane Ackerman, essayist, poet & naturalist, along with a couple of practices to go with. Ackerman explains the original intention...
Sacred Spiral: A Full Moon Meditation with Nina Paris
Dear One, The Full Moon has arrived & Spring is waiving her maiden hand over the horizon. Change is in the air. Do you feel it? Do you see it? This Full Moon, I offer you a Soul-treat: A meditation crafted and facilitated by Nina Paris. In these 20 minutes she...
New Moon Blessing Poem by Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Dear One, The last New Moon of the Season is here. The natural world is in an in-between time now, a kind of liminal space. Do you feel it? To honor this New Moon time, we have a very special poem from our beloved wild woman elder, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés. This...
Sister-Friends: 7 Tips for Making & Tending Soul-Friendships
True friendship is a Soul-treasure of the highest order. Sometimes, in the busyness of the day to day life, especially as we age, we can forget this. Yet each time one is in the presence of a true friend, time itself seems to fade away. The ticking clock & the...
She is the One: New Moon Practice & Play ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, We stand at the threshold between one moon cycle and the next. It is a particularly good time to take a little pause to retreat inward, just as the Moon seems to retreat behind the night's sky. Poetry helps us with such things. Today we have the great...
Watching the Moon: New Moon Poem & Lunar Practice ~ Chris Maddox
Happy New Year & New Moon to you! Today, we reach back through time to find a short, yet potent, poem written 1000 years ago in Japan by the great Izumi Shikibu. In it, Skhikibu expresses what so many of us have felt standing underneath the moon. Feel free to...
A Full Moon Prayer & Contemplation from Maya Angelou ~ Chris Maddox
Maya Angelou, in all of her many artistic & Soulful expressions, was as radiant as the Sun. To read her poetry acts as a kind of light transfusion. One walks away, no matter what the subject of the poem, walking just a little taller, burning just a little...
Fire In My Eyes: New Moon Poem & Journaling Inquiry
Dear One, How's your heart this New Moon? I have a treat for it ♥️, for you: a poem of self-love, respect & celebration written by the phenomenal wild woman poet, singer, dancer, activist, mother: Maya Angelou. Feel free to make yourself cozy & join...
The Last Days of Fall ~ Chris Maddox
Twenty-one days ago I received a soul-jolt, a rattling, a kind of wake-up call from within. Maybe I’ll tell you about it sometime, or maybe not, we’ll see, but I bet you know what I mean. My mind, heart, and body sent out a call I could not ignore. Anyone walking on...
The Witness & the Talisman: The Story of a Magic Journal ~ Chris Maddox
Sitting in my old office, in my old house, pen in hand, I took to the first pages of a brand new journal, given to me by the couple I was to wed in just a few days. Bound with light brown leather, embossed with an illustration of a compass, I carefully wrote down the...
We are the Weeds: New Moon Poem & Journaling Inquiry ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, The New Moon carries in a satchel full of blessings and creative potential. Can you feel it? We begin this Moon Cycle by walking through a poem of resilience, wilderness & spell making written by Ada Limón, aiming to see the world through her visionary...
So Brave, She’s Crazy: Joy Harjo’s Masterclass on Courage ~ Chris Maddox
Joy Harjo, of the Muscogee Creek Nation, Poet Laureate of the United States, holds within her name, a message. In Mvskoke, her tribal language, Harjo means “so brave, you’re crazy.” Rooted in the stories, perspectives, and blessings of her ancestors, along with lived...
What It Means To Be Human: A New Moon Poem by Joy Harjo & Journaling Inquiry with Chris Maddox
Dear One, The Moon is dark again, making her new offering. May we open our arms and receive it. The great creatrix, Joy Harjo, of the Muscogee nation writes: “When I began to listen to poetry, it’s when I began to listen to the stones, and I began to listen to what...
The Child, The Time-Keeper & the Dreamer: The Three Selves of Mary Oliver ~ Chris Maddox
Spiritual instincts, understanding, and connection flow like water to and through us, nourishing and guiding us, as if by magic, so long as we are open to it. Well, that’s what I have come to believe anyway. A colleague of mine, who is a long time Zen Buddhist...
Walking with Mary Oliver: New Moon Poem & Talk with Chris Maddox
Dear One, The Moon is dark, signaling another beginning, or perhaps, an end. Maybe beginnings and endings are one in the same? The late, great Patron St. of Wild Women, Mary Oliver wrote: "Poetry is one of the ancient arts, and it begins as did all the fine arts,...
Dread to Grace: How I Learned to Love My Period ~ Nina Paris
Dread. Monthly dread. That's all I can ever remember feeling as my period approached each cycle. I was eleven when I first moved through this transition. I had what the doctor called a "bad period" -- ten days long, heavy, exhausting. I had to agree, though I...
Re-examine All You’ve Been Told ~ Chris Maddox
Most of us walk around thinking our thoughts are our own, but often the seeds of our beliefs and mundane thoughts are planted there by the culture, governments, news outlets, teachers, preachers, friends, family, advertisements, social media feeds, institutions,...
New Moon Talk & Practice: Love & Fear ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, Here we are, underneath a New Moon, a Dark Moon, in August 2021. What a fascinating & intense time to be alive, in this beautiful broken world. We begin this Moon Cycle, the final in the To Wield Love series, with an offering, from my home to yours. This...
An Incorrigible, Defiant Woman: Ode to Doris ~ Chris Maddox
There is a long winding country road between my house and my grandmother’s. When I drive it, I roll the windows down and open the sunroof and let the wind wash my worries away. As the blues and greens of the mountains roll by, I marvel at all the little houses, some...
Love Nurtures: A New Moon Talk + Journaling Inquiry ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, As we round the corner into the heart and the heat of Summer here in the northern hemisphere, the balance that comes from water is visceral. Rains quench dry land, lakes, rivers & beaches help us to cool off. Water is the great elemental healer,...
How Will We Begin to Be Together Again? ~ Chris Maddox
The women were there, in the new lush green-blue place, getting their camps set up, and I hadn’t planned the opening ritual. I had no drum or drummer, no firewood for the fire, and no idea what I was going to say, and no time to plan it… It’s been a good long time...
New Moon Talk & Inspiring Practice ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, The New Moon is here nudging us to make space for reflection & beginning again, with intention. I made a simple & uplifting practice you can begin today. Feel free to make yourself comfy, perhaps outside somewhere & let's sit together.Community...
Breathing the World Awake: A Morning Time Poem & Practice for Wild Women ~ Chris Maddox
Claim Your Seat in Wild Woman School: Poetry & Practices (Online, From Anywhere)The Poem: "Just a Simple Declaration of Love" by Nikki Giovanni From her collection, Love Poems. "In the reddish gray of morning just before night concedes I know the silhouette of...
Plant Seeds of Love Everywhere: A New Moon Talk with Chris Maddox
Happy New Moon to you! The wheel of time keeps turning, and we have another opportunity to step from one Moon Cycle into the next. As always, I made this New Moon Video to help you tune in at this meaningful time. Feel free to make yourself comfy, perhaps outside...
The Whispers of the Wild ~ Chris Maddox
Inner Wilds In my early 20’s, I worked the front desk of a yoga studio in an old building just off of Union Square in New York City. One Friday, after the last class of the night had begun in the back room, a rather eccentrically dressed old-New-York woman stepped...
Walking the Path of the Wild Woman ~ Chris Maddox
Walking the path of the Wild Woman is not at all like walking on a paved road where the mighty trees have been bulldozed and the coyotes, and birds, and insects have been run out - their habitats obliterated. Where cement has formed lines on the ground and boxes on...
7th Annual WILD WOMAN FEST Postponed to 2022
Dear Wild Woman Fest Family, Since 2014, we have journeyed from our homes to a mountain top each and every Summer, in the spirit of sacred pilgrimage. We have danced together under the Sun & Moon, prayed, howled, wept, cackled, sang, played our way into profound...
The Guiding Light of Self Love: A New Moon Talk with Chris Maddox
Happy New Moon to you! Depending upon your time zone, the New Moon arrives today, April 11th, or tomorrow, April 12th, offering up a chance to begin again. This Moon Cycle, we turn our attention toward the foundational practice & experience of...
Walking the Fool’s Path by Chris Maddox
On a sunshiny day a young person with a bindle in one hand and a rose in the other, heart and head facing up, walks forward. Does he walk off the cliff? Does he do a little dance and turn the other way? We do not know. That is the messy magic of the Fool. In Tarot,...
How Women’s Circles Taught Me the Magic in Storytelling ~ by Amanda Petrocelly
"I know people heal by being able to tell the story - the whole story." ~ Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés Imagine: a blazing fire in the middle of a cold, dark, shadow filled forest. An old Crone Woman wearing a black cloak, holding a long cane, her glowing silver hair...
Lay Your Heart Down on the Earth: A Wild Woman Equinox Practice ~ Chris Maddox
After a year of extraordinary experience, unlike anything we’ve seen in our lifetime, the Spring Equinox arrives in the Northern Hemisphere tomorrow, offering up new life, a vibrant new color palette, more light, plants, insects, animals we haven’t seen in some time....
Spring, Dawn & Pandemic Anniversary with Chris Maddox
Dear Ones, This New Moon I sat down on the moss that held me in the early days of the pandemic, by the little creek, under the naked trees, feeling the promise of Spring, and made this for you. In this video, you'll hear a phenomenal Mary Oliver poem, the sounds...
How to Craft a Full Moon Ritual by: Amanda Petrocelly
Happy Full Moon! Hoooowwwwllll!!!! In honor of today's Full Moon, I'd love to offer you an outline to creating your own personal Full Moon Ritual. During New Moon time, Nature typically encourages and supports Rituals that are "calling in" new aspects of life and...
Love Sees: A New Moon Talk with Chris Maddox
Dear One, The Moon is New and our exploration of Love as the most powerful force on Earth continues. When channelled, the spirit of Love, helps us to cultivate a form of vision that precedes healing. Our love of the world and of one another can guide us to...
What has Love built? A Guided Meditation with Chris Maddox
Dear One, I hope this letter finds you warm & well. Today's Wild Woman Weeklyish offering is a guided Meditation, an inner adventure of sorts, which centers around the question: What has love built in your life? You'll want to be sure to have a total of 30...
Love Builds: A New Moon Time Talk ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, The first New Moon of the New Year is here. And the adventure continues... As always, I made this New Moon Video to help you to take pause & reflect as we walk through the threshold of a New Moon Cycle, another leg of our shared journey. Please...
Sorting the Treasure: 10 Lessons from 2020 (with Music) ~ Chris Maddox
I believe the unfolding of life is always teaching us, always. Some lessons come quick and easy in a flash, but most, at least for me, unfold through a longer, more rigorous, often repetitive series a moments wherein life hits me over the head relentlessly until I get...
The Hidden Gift of Darkness: A New Moon Talk ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, The final New Moon of 2020 is here. This Moon Cycle offers much, including the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year. One thing I've learned over the years is that wild women are not afraid of the dark. Wild Women know darkness has so much to teach...
Moments of Meaning: A 2020 Memory Collage ~ Chris Maddox
And just like that, December has arrived. The final month in the great transformative year 2020 is here. For me, this year has been primarily deeply disorienting. Writing has taken a back seat to ritual as I have struggled to find any words I can hold on to. But...
Love Remembers: A New Moon Time Talk ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, This weekend brings us the beginning of the last complete Moon Cycle of the year 2020. Our theme for the Cycle is: Love Remembers. One of the most loving things we can do for one another and for ourselves is to tap into the deeper...
5 Treasures of Women’s Circles ~ Chris Maddox
When I was 25 years old, I stumbled into facilitating Women's Circles & a couple of years later started The Wild Woman Project with the primary mission to help other women to cultivate this very special practice. I thought then, as I do now, that if a massive...
Love Speaks Truth: a Practice, an Idea & a Question ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, The Moon is New and calling us inward. In the liminal space that is New Moon or Dark Moon time, we stand at the threshold of new Moon Cycle where we are exploring how to wield love, the most powerful force on Earth. As always, I...
Listening is a Superpower ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, The Moon is Full and I want to talk to you about the mighty superpower we all have access to: Listening. If we listen with genuine curiosity, we can begin to understand the person in front of us. When we begin to understand the...
Brave Surrender: An Autumn Equinox Ritual by: Amanda Petrocelly
Happy Autumn Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere, Happy Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere)! The Autumn Equinox is one of my favorite days of the year. The Equinoxes are the two days per year where there is an equal amount of light and...
To Wield Love: A New Moon Talk ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, September brings us a new season, a New Moon Cycle, and a brand new focus here at The Wild Woman Project. September 2020 - September 2021 we will explore the theme: To Wield Love. Together, we will explore how we can wield -...
My Journey Into Wild Consciousness: Full Moon Story Time with Chris Maddox
Dear Ones, This Full Moon I offer up my personal story rewilding. I do so for 2 reasons: 1. Because I know we are all related & I hope that you can find something of yourself, of your story, in it. 2. To honor our final Full Moon of the...
Visions at the Edge: From the Other Side, Experiment #3 ~ Chris Maddox
About the “From the Other Side” Serieswith The Wild Woman Project Founder, Chris Maddox In the modern world, brimming with companies, people, and special interests waving their hands and shouting, “Look over here! Buy this, do this, think this!,” our...
Walking Each Other Home ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, The Moon is New again, sitting in retreat behind the sky, nudging us to come home to our hearts.On this, the final New Moon of the Rituals of Rewilding series, I am offering up an in depth exploration of a hand-me-down idea from the great Ram Dass:"We're...
five beautiful things: a heart-tending practice ~ Chris Maddox
We are creatures of story, instinctively making meaning of life’s chaos. As we move through our short lives on Earth, what we choose to pay attention to, the ways we decide to name what has happened, shapes our reality. Naming the beautiful things we perceive,...
Build Altars Everywhere ~ Chris Maddox
Dear Ones, The Moon is Full, reflecting the light of the Sun, illuminating the night. In this talk, we continue to explore the question: How do people who stand for love obtain & wield power? Let's sit together. ♥️ ...
The Rise of Tender Love: A New Moon Talk ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, As we walk together through these important & historic times, it is important to take time for deep contemplation. These are days for asking big questions of ourselves, our society & our world. Cries for change are echoing...
To Hold & to Heal Our Dear World: A Full Moon Talk ~ Chris Maddox
Dear Ones, On this Full Moon in the transformative year 2020, I lay this offering at your feet. In this talk, I go deep into what is being asked of us now & some things to contemplate at this Full Moon time. Let's sit together. ♥️ ...
Our Spiritual – Material Inheritance: A New Moon Talk ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, We are living through historic times: spiritual-material awakening, spiritual-material change, and deep spiritual-material challenge. We are reckoning our societal inheritance. There can be no spiritual awakening that has no...
In Celebration of Black Voices!
On this Full Moon eclipse, during our Music of the Howls Moon Cycle, in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter uprising, I celebrate the voices of black artists & thinkers who have inspired me (& many, many others). I have also included...
Dear Ones, I write to you from planet Earth where M A S S I V E alchemy is afoot. I know you feel it. Not to mention a Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse; as above, so below. I write to you from the land currently called the United States of...
The Beautiful Broken Place: A New Moon Talk ~ Chris Maddox
Dear One, The Moon is New today offering up a chance to begin again. I made this video offering to help you tune inward. In it, I offer up a contemplation for the spiritually-oriented, heart-centered among us at this strange time, in this...
Inhabiting this Liminal Space: Full Moon Offering ~ Chris Maddox
Dear Ones, The Moon is Full. Do you feel it? In today's video offering, we will discuss what it means to inhabit the powerful & disorienting liminal space we are in. Grab your journal & let's sit together. ♥️ ...
Earth Day New Moon Video Offering with Chris Maddox
Dear One, Today life delivers a precious Earth Day New Moon, marrying a global honoring of the natural world & the fertile soil of New Moon time. I made this video offering to help you make good use of this rare and potent day. In it, I...
7th Annual WILD WOMAN FEST Postponed
Dear Wild Woman Fest Family, For the past 6 years, Spring time has been full of planning for our annual gathering. Since 2014, we have journeyed from our homes to a mountain top each and every Summer, in the spirit of sacred pilgrimage. We have...