Find a Wild Woman Project Circle Near You

You are invited to all the Wild Woman Project Circles listed here!

It is comforting to know there is a place to come to where you will laugh, sometimes cry, and always be showered with positivity and support from the moment you set foot in the room – even if it is your first time there. It is a true community.

Jorli Pena

Upcoming New Moons:

March 29th, 2025
April 27th, 2025
May 26th, 2025
June 25th, 2025

A heartwarming, encouraging and motivational experience.

Kari Papadinis

When I leave the circle, I feel newly energized and excited for the month ahead.

Milana Vayntrub

About Wild Woman Project Circles


In this international network of circles, you can expect: A Sensuous Sacred Space held by a trained WWP Facilitator with Guided Meditation, Sharing, Intention Setting Ritual & more held on or near the New Moon.

These circles are not associated with a singular path or religion, but rather, an inclusive coming together with women from all paths. We all come from different spiritual/cultural backgrounds and gather around the ideas of: Sisterhood (having each others backs, empowering one another), a respect for the earth (wildness, turning to nature as a teacher) & co-creation (the understanding that just as we co-create our experience in circle, so do we co-create life on earth). We also tend to be a heart-centered bunch, lots of laughter & tears.

Each Circle Leader brings her own flavor to facilitating, and decides when and where the Circles will happen.
Some Wild Woman Project Circles are held in Yoga Studios & Community Spaces, others in backyards and living rooms. There are even circles which happen online. There are a number of Circles which are private (a small group of friends) & others that are open to the Public (the Circles listed below). Most Wild Woman Project Circles happen on our near the New Moon, though some gather at other times. Each Facilitator is fully responsible for her own Circle, and brings her own special magic & orientation based her own knowledge and passions.
Reach out to any of the Circle Leaders listed here directly for details on her Circle!

Look for your City Below & Click!

Please contact the Circle Leader directly for details.

United States

Can't Find a Circle Near You?

You can still join in the Magic.

Monthly New Moon Meditation Adventures

Join us online, from anywhere.

Facilitated by Chris Maddox, The Wild Woman Project Founder, and attended by wild-hearted women from around the world, every New Moon!

 All levels of experience welcome.

Wild Woman Project Circle Leader Training

Do you feel the call to create sacred space for women in your community?

Join us online, from anywhere for this 7 Week Journey into the heart of wild feminine leadership.

Let us love you.

(It’s Free)

Receive prayers, insights, resources & encouragement to aid you on your path of the WILD Woman.